Results for 'Sadık K. Tural'

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  1.  5
    Kazak Türklüğünü aydınlatanlara Nısanbayev'in bakışı.Sadık K. Tural (ed.) - 1999 - Maltepe, Ankara: Atatürk Yüksek Kurumu, Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı.
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    Sanat ahlâkı.Cafer Sadik Yaran - 2020 - [Turkey]: Diyanet İşleri Bakanlığı.
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  3. Mehmet Sadik Rifat Pasha's Risale-i ahlak.Rifat Paşa & Mehmet Sadık - 1860 - [Cincinnati, Ohio?: Isaac Jerushalmi. Edited by Yehezkel Gabbay.
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    Rival Moral Traditions in the Late Ottoman Empire, 1839–1908.Kamran Karimullah - 2013 - Journal of Islamic Studies 24 (1):37-66.
    This article examines two texts, each representative of a system of morality taught in nineteenth-century Ottoman morality textbooks: Risâle-i ahlâk by Sâdik Rifat and al-Risāla al-shāhiyya fī cilm al-akhlaq by cAḍud al-Dīn al-Ījī . So as to inform conclusions about the variety of moral traditions that inspired the authors of late Ottoman public school textbooks on morality, I analyse the organizing metaphors, moral rationalizations, types of moral agency, and techniques of inculcating morality utilized in these representative texts. Normally, texts such (...)
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    Maimonides: A Radical Religious Philosopher.Shalom Sadik - 2023 - Piscataway, NJ, UDA: Gorgias Press.
    Was Maimonides a radical philosopher who subtly argued for a naturalist world and who saw the obligation to keep the Torah's commandments as a social and moral obligation - or was he a conservative Jewish believer who only tried to formulate philosophical arguments in favour of a revealed religion? This question has been central to the interpretation of Maimonides from the 12th century until modern times. In the four chapters of this book, Shalom Sadik argues for a radical philosophical interpretation (...)
  6.  30
    John Dewey’s Critique of Classical Liberalism.A. Can Tural - 2024 - Sofist International Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):107-125.
    This study explores John Dewey’s critique of classical liberalism, particularly its conception of the individual, and examines his effort to reconstruct liberalism in response to the social, political, and economic challenges of the early 20th century. During this period, the Western world, which had been industrializing for the last two hundred years, encountered unprecedented social, political, and economic problems. Rapid industrialization, urban migration, and the emergence of class struggles exposed the limitations of classical liberalism. Liberalism faced serious criticism both from (...)
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    Understanding the Counter-Enlightenment Discourse Through Palissot's Les Philosophes.Ali Can Tural - 2025 - Text and Analysis: Journal of Cultural Studies and Strategy 1 (1):91-103.
    Although Les Philosophes was an ordinary comedy, and Palissot was far from the caliber of Molière or Voltaire, it successfully consolidated conservative criticisms of the philosophes within a satirical framework, enjoying a successful three-month run in 1760. The reason behind its success was that it was at the center of a debate between the Enlightenment philosophers and the Counter-Enlightenment figures. In addition to being an example of 18th-century French comédie, the play serves as a valuable source for understanding the key (...)
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    Conseptual Approaches to the Essence of the Political Elite.Tural Gasimov & Elman Nasirov - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (2):156-166.
    The concept of political elite has been the subject of discussion by many researchers in different periods of history. Various theories and concepts have been put forward about this phenomenon. Today, we cannot imagine any society without a political elite. In both democratic and non-democratic states, power is concentrated in the hands of an organized minority-the political elite. The article basically tries to clarify questions that interest many scientists, such as the essence and content of the political elite, as well (...)
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  9. Sources of the Concept of Legitimacy in the Ancient and Middle Ages.Tural Alakbarov - 2025 - Metafizika 8 (1):141-153.
    The article notes that the sources of legitimacy were different in ancient and medieval times than today. It is emphasized that the concept of legitimacy in China emerged from a complex interplay of philosophical ideas, cultural beliefs, and historical precedents. The Mandate of Heaven, Confucianism, and legalism each provided different sources through which rulers sought to legitimize their authority. In ancient Greece, the concept of legitimacy arose from a combination of civic participation, philosophical thoughts, mythological narratives, and the pursuit of (...)
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    Diderot's Answer To The Problem Of Perception In The 18th Century Aesthetics.Ali Can Tural - 2024 - Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Humanities.
    The 18th century witnessed the transformation of aesthetics into an independent philosophical discipline. In this period, two main traditions emerged, based on which we can categorize aesthetic theorists. The first of these is classical or rationalist aesthetics, and the other is empiricist or subjective aesthetics. Because classical/rational aesthetic theories were largely based on Cartesian metaphysics, they also inherited the difficulties faced by Cartesian metaphysics. For Descartes, senseperception is not a reliable mode of cognition and truth only comes out of the (...)
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    Nihlistic Character İn The Novel 'Huzur' : Suad.Secaattin Tural - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1487-1498.
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  12. Nesne Merkezli̇ Esteti̇kten Özne Merkezli̇ Esteti̇ğe: Jean Bapti̇ste Du Bos’nun Empi̇ri̇st Esteti̇ği̇.Ali Can Tural - 2024 - Özne Felsefe Bilim Ve Sanat Yazıları 20 (1):533-548.
    18. yüzyıl, estetik kuramları açısından felsefe tarihinde daha önce görülmemiş ölçüde verimli bir dönemdir. Bu dönemde oluşturulan estetik kuramları, 18. yüzyılda epistemoloji, yöntem, ontoloji ve insan doğası üzerine yapılan tartışmaları doğrudan yansıtır. İlk estetik kuramlarını incelediğimizde, kuramların kendilerinden beslendiği iki ana hatla karşılaşırız. Bunlardan ilki kartezyen felsefenin estetikteki karşılığı olan nesne merkezli estetik, diğeri ise Lockeçu empirizmin estetikteki karşılığı olan özne merkezli estetiktir. Jean-Baptiste Du Bos, 18. yüzyılın hemen başlarında “Şiir ve Resim Üzerine Eleştirel Düşünceler” adlı çalışmasında nesne merkezli felsefenin (...)
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    Perception of the City in Poetry of İsmet Özel.Secaattin Tural - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1346-1360.
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    The Arabico-Islamic background of Al-Fārābī's logic.Sadik Türker - 2007 - History and Philosophy of Logic 28 (3):183-255.
    This paper examines al-Fārābī's logical thought within its Arabico-Islamic historical background and attempts to conceptualize what this background contributes to his logic. After a brief exposition of al-Fārābī's main problems and goals, I shall attempt to reformulate the formal structure of Arabic linguistics (AL) in terms of the ontological and formal characteristics that Arabic logic is built upon. Having discussed the competence of al-Fārābī in the history of AL, I will further propose three interrelated theses about al-Fārābī's logic, in terms (...)
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  15.  33
    The Muʻtazilite Manifesto of a Muḥaddith: The Will of Abū Sa‘d as-Sammān.Ömer Sadiker - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):23-42.
    Isma‘īl b. ‘Ali, who is referred to as Abū Sa‘d as-Sammān, was born in Ray, Iran, between 981 and 983 and he devoted most of his life to educational travels, especially for hadith and he returned to his city of birth towards the end of his life and died there in 1053. Isma‘īl b. ‘Ali is well-known with the name of as- Sammān, meaning butter trader, because of he was grew up in a family of butter traders. The movables and (...)
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    Abner of Burgos.Shalom Sadik - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Décision humaine et animale dans la pensée de Rabbi Isaac Israeli.Shalom Sadik - 2013 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 21 (2):143-160.
  18. Double Truth in the Writings of Medieval Jewish Averroists: An Esoteric Way of Appealing to Both Sceptics and Non-sceptics.Shalom Sadik - 2024 - In Racheli Haliva, Yoav Meyrav & Daniel Davies, Averroes and Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought. Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
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    Eckhart, Lost in Translation: La traduction de Sh-h-r par Yehuda Alharizi et ses implications philosophiques.Shalom Sadik - 2016 - Vivarium 54 (2-3):125-145.
    _ Source: _Volume 54, Issue 2-3, pp 125 - 145 Maimonides’s _Guide for the Perplexed_ had a significant influence on both Jewish and Christian philosophy, although the vast majority of Jewish and Christian readers in the Middle Ages could not read the original Judeo-Arabic text. Instead, they had access to the text through Hebrew and Latin translations. The article focuses on words derived from the root _sh-h-r_ in the original text of Maimonides, first on the understanding of Maimonides himself, where (...)
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    Faith and the Question of its Certainty in the Thought of Rabbi Hasdai Crescas.Shalom Sadik - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):429-436.
    Este artículo examina los diversos niveles de certeza en el pensamiento de Hasdai Crescas, tal como pueden encontrarse en su _Sermón de Pascua_ y su principal obra filosófica, _Or Hashem_. En la primera parte del artículo se analiza la discusión principal de Crescas sobre este tema en el _Sermón._ En la segunda parte, las principales ideas expuestas allí se comparan con la opinión de Crescas en _Or Hashem_. Además, el artículo busca explicar por qué este tema está más desarrollado en (...)
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    Hasdai crescas.Shalom Sadik - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Les fondements naturels de la loi divine dans l’œuvre de Rabbi Josef Albo.Shalom Sadik - 2017 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 25 (2):196-208.
    _ Source: _Volume 25, Issue 2, pp 196 - 208 The aim of the article is to analyze the concepts of natural law, political law, and divine law in the thought of Rabbi Josef Albo. The article concludes that according to R. Albo, the true divine law has something natural. Humans can understand by themselves that natural law is not developed enough to assure their needs. They can comprehend as well that only divine law can be a good political law, (...)
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    Mahut ha-beḥirah ba-hagut ha-Yehudit bi-yeme ha-benayim =.Shalom Sadik - 2017 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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    Okul Öncesi Öğretmenlerinin Sınıf Yönetim Becerileri ve Uygulamalarına Yönelik G.Fatma Sadik - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 14):631-631.
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    Öğretmen Adaylarının Sınıf Yönetimine Yönelik Tutum Ve İnançlarının İncelenmesi (Çukurova Üniversite.Fatma Sadik - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 15):749-749.
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    Racheli Haliva (ed.), Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought.Shalom Sadik - 2019 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 11 (1):59-65.
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    Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Thought, edited by Racheli Haliva.Shalom Sadik - forthcoming - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism:1-7.
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    Vérité prophétique et vérité philosophique dans l’œuvre de Rabbi Josef Ibn Caspi.Shalom Sadik - 2017 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 59:135-151.
    The aim of this article is to analyze the opinion of a Jewish Averroist Rabbi Josef Ibn Caspi on the relation between prophetical and philosophical truth. In the beginning of the article, we will see that in some of his writings, R. Caspi claims the prophet’s knowledge to be superior to that of the philosopher. However, in the second part of the article, we will analyze his commentary on Maimonides Guide of the Perplexed. In this commentary R. Caspi also mentions (...)
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    Kant's conception of the Noumenon.Sadik J. Al-Azm - 1968 - Dialogue 6 (4):516-520.
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    Turkey, secularism and the EU: A view from Damascus.Sadik J. Al-Azam - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):449-457.
    This article deals with the impact of the free, democratic and peaceful accession to power of the Islamic Justice and Development Party (JDP) in Turkey on the Arab world in general and on the Islamic currents active in Arab societies in particular. A main point is looking into how Arab political formations and especially political Islam are trying to make sense out of such recent developments in Turkey as: (1) the fact that traditionally reviled Turkish secularism, Kemalism and westernism could (...)
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  31. Is Islam Secularizable?Sadik al-azm - 1997 - Free Inquiry 17.
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  32. Whitehead's Notions of Order and Freedom.Sadik Al-azm - 1967 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4):579.
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    Axtell Guy, Problems of Religious Luck: Assessing the Limits of Reasonable Religious Disagreement.Mehmet Sadik Bektas - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (2).
    The primary purpose of this book is to discuss the concept of religious luck as linked to ethical values. The author emphasizes that the quality and interpretation of the luck factor can be studied in a variety of ways, not only in theology but also in social sciences and philosophy. In the first chapter of the book, Axtell defines what he means by problems of religious luck. He believes that the new issue of religious luck is concerned with asymmetric trait (...)
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    The Origin of Kant's Arguments in the Antinomies.John D. Glenn & Sadik J. Al-Azm - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (3):416.
  35.  31
    Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity and protect health.Lukoye Atwoli, Abdullah H. Baqui, Thomas Benfield, Raffaella Bosurgi, Fiona Godlee, Stephen Hancocks, Richard Horton, Laurie Laybourn-Langton, Carlos Augusto Monteiro, Ian Norman, Kirsten Patrick, Nigel Praities, Marcel G. M. Olde Rikkert, Eric J. Rubin, Peush Sahni, Richard Smith, Nicholas J. Talley, Sue Turale & Damián Vázquez - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):1-1.
    > Wealthy nations must do much more, much faster. The United Nations General Assembly in September 2021 will bring countries together at a critical time for marshalling collective action to tackle the global environmental crisis. They will meet again at the biodiversity summit in Kunming, China, and the climate conference 26) in Glasgow, UK. Ahead of these pivotal meetings, we—the editors of health journals worldwide—call for urgent action to keep average global temperature increases below 1.5°C, halt the destruction of nature (...)
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    Structural and electronic properties of InNxP1-xalloy in full range.Metin Aslan, A. H. Reshak, Battal G. Yalcin, Sadik Bagci & Mehmet Ustundag - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (10):991-1005.
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    A new method to determine reflex latency induced by high rate stimulation of the nervous system.Ilhan Karacan, Halil I. Cakar, Oguz Sebik, Gizem Yilmaz, Muharrem Cidem, Sadik Kara & Kemal S. Tã¼Rker - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  38. The Unconscious Reconsidered.K. S. Bowers & D. Meichenbaum (eds.) - 1982 - Wiley.
  39. The anomaly called psi: Recent research and criticism.K. Ramakrishna Rao & John Palmer - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):539-51.
    Over the past hundred years, a number of scientific investigators claim to have adduced experimental evidence for phenomena information” seems to behave like a weak signal that has to compete for the information-processing resources of the organism, a reduction of ongoing sensorimotor activity may facilitate ESP detection. Such a meaningful convergence of results suggests that psi phenomena may represent a unitary, coherent process whose nature and compatibility with current physical theory have yet to be determined. The theoretical implications and potential (...)
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    (2 other versions)Oxford textbook of philosophy and psychiatry.K. W. M. Fulford - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Tim Thornton & George Graham.
    Mental health research and care in the twenty first century faces a series of conceptual and ethical challenges arising from unprecedented advances in the neurosciences, combined with radical cultural and organisational change. The Oxford Textbook of Philosophy of Psychiatry is aimed at all those responding to these challenges, from professionals in health and social care, managers, lawyers and policy makers; service users, informal carers and others in the voluntary sector; through to philosophers, neuroscientists and clinical researchers. Organised around a series (...)
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    Indian Theories of Meaning.K. Kunjanni Raja - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (1):104-105.
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  42. Inner speech and outer thought.K. Frankish - 2018 - In Peter Langland-Hassan & Agustín Vicente, Inner Speech: New Voices. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  43. Still resisting: replies to my critics.K. Brad Wray - 2020 - Metascience 29 (1):33-40.
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    An expansion of first-order Belnap-Dunn logic.K. Sano & H. Omori - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (3):458-481.
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    Empathy and Agency: The Problem of Understanding in the Human Sciences.K. R. Stueber & H. H. Kogaler (eds.) - 2000 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    A crucial debate currently raging in the fields of cognitive and social science centers around general and specific approaches to understanding the actions of others. When we understand the actions of another person, do we do so on the basis of a general theory of psychology, or on the basis of an effort to place ourselves in the particular position of that specific person? Hans Herbert Kögler and Karsten R. Stueber's Empathy and Agency addresses this other issues vital to current (...)
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    Confessions of an Expert Ethics Witness.K. Kipnis - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (4):325-343.
    The aim of this essay is to describe and reflect upon the concrete particulars of one academician's work as an expert ethics witness. The commentary on my practices and the narrative descriptions of three cases are offered as evidence for the thesis that it is possible to act honorably within a role that some have considered to be inherently illicit. Practical measures are described for avoiding some of the best known pitfalls. The discussion concludes with a listing of the distinctive (...)
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  47. Intersubjectivity of Dasein in Heidegger’s Being and Time: How Authenticity is a Return to Community.K. M. Stroh - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (2):243-259.
    This essay discusses an alternative interpretation of the term “Dasein” as Heidegger uses it in Being and Time and, in particular, the possibility that Dasein is meant to contain an inherent form of intersubjectivity to which we must “return” in order to achieve authenticity. In doing so, I build on the work of John Haugeland and his interpretation of Dasein as a mass term, while exploring the implications such an interpretation has on Heidegger’s conception of “authenticity”. Ultimately, this paper aims (...)
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  48. Applied Yoga Psychology Studies of Neurophysiology of Meditation.K. Rao - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (11-12):161-198.
    Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali is a foundational psychological text that organizes, codifies, and systematically presents in s_tra form the psychology as practised in India around second century BCE. Its theme is to help humans free themselves from their congenital bondage due to conditioned existence and consequent suffering. The goal is to restore the person to her inherent unconditioned blissful being. The quintessence of Yoga is meditation. Meditation consists of dharana and dhyana, a contemplative state of passive attention precipitated by a prolonged (...)
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  49. Perception, cognition, and consciousness in classical hindu psychology.K. Ramakrishna Rao - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (3):3-30.
    Perception is sensory awareness. Cognition is reflective awareness. Consciousness is awareness-as-such. In Indian psychology, as represented by Samkhya-Yoga and Advaita Vedanta systems, consciousness and mind are fundamentally different. Reality is the composite of being (sat), knowing (cit) and feeling (ananda). Consciousness is the knowledge side of the universe. It is the ground condition of all awareness. Consciousness is not a part or aspect of the mind. Mind is physical and consciousness is not. Consciousness does not interact with the mind, the (...)
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    (1 other version)Physicalism.K. V. Wilkes - 1978 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30 (4):403-410.
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